Some kids would get a Full Polysomnography Study. This is required in some children where we need to study the sleep architecture as well like in movement disorders in sleep etc.
This would involve some additional monitoring channels to have a better understanding of the child’s sleep staging and brain activity as shown in the figure. These channels are:
EEG: some sensors and wires over the head to measure brain activity.
EOG: two sensors near the eyes to measure the movements of the eye.
Chin EMG: three sensors on the chin to measure of the movements of the chin muscles.
During the application of these wires, the head would be measured and then marked. These spots are cleaned; EEG wires are attached with a special paste, and a light mesh cap is placed over the wires so that they would not pop off during sleep. Don’t worry if anythings comes off. Our Senior Sleep Trained staff would would supervise the study throughout the night.
Leg EMG: Sometimes additional wire are applied over the legs to measure the activity of the legs.